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What makes a great school?

Research has shown that a very important factor that makes a school excel is its culture. What makes the culture are the people: the parents, the staff and the students. We have strong student, parent and staff leadership that makes our school a vibrant place to learn and develop. We are exceptionally proud of our students, parents and staff. They form an amazing team who work together to achieve extraordinary things. You are warmly welcome to join our special learning community.

What makes a great school? You do. We look forward to you joining us.


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In our most recent Ofsted report the Inspection team were full of praise for our great team of staff:

“Teachers make better use of assessment information to plan work that meets the needs of all pupils.”

“Teachers make good use of technology available.”

“Teachers have worked collaboratively… to increase the level of challenge for pupils.”

“Teachers… ensure a consistent approach to feedback.”

“Pastoral leaders now have a more rigorous approach in place which ensures greater consistency across all year groups.”

“Pupils feel that their teachers listen to them in lessons and that they are well challenged.”

“Students said that the extra-curricular provision has expanded.”

The Lead Inspector also wrote some wonderful comments about our students:

“Pupils are typically very well behaved.”

“Pupils are friendly, polite and there is a harmonious atmosphere in the school.”

“Pupils say that homework tasks extend their current learning and provide additional challenge.”

“Pupils appreciate the guidance their teachers give them and they say that they know very specifically how to improve their skills and knowledge.”

What runs through the letter are Ofsted’s findings that our College is a Good school and is improving.  What is also clear is that the positive relationships between teachers, parents and students, with students at the heart of everything we do, is such an important part of these improvements.

We are exceptionally proud of our staff here at Uckfield College, both teaching and non-teaching.  They are an amazing team who work together collegiately to support each other and help each and every one of us to be the very best we can.