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Welcome from the Governing Body

We are very proud indeed to be governors at Uckfield College, a community where students are at the heart of everything we do and dedicated staff go the extra mile to ensure that students achieve the best possible outcomes.

Governors don’t get involved in the day to day running of the college, but we work closely with the strategic leadership team to carry out three core functions:

(i)   Setting a vision and strategy for the college

(ii)  Overseeing the college’s financial performance, ensuring that money is well spent

(iii)  Holding the strategic leadership team to account to ensure that every student gets the best possible education

The full governing body meets three times a year. We have three sub-committees which look at Quality of Education; Student Progress and Finance & Resources, and each of us also have a link role to oversee a particular aspect of school life. 

The governing body is committed to see that Uckfield College contributes to Uckfield life and that it serves the needs of students, parents and the local community.  The board strongly identifies with the College's values (Integrity, Curiosity, Resilience, Kindness, Aspiration and Self-Regulation) and sees these as essential attributes for our next generation of young people.

If you would like get in touch with the governing body, please contact the Clerk via email:

Uckfield College Governing Body

Chair of Governors Julie Laughton
Vice Chair of Governors Richard Thorley
Student Progress Committee Chair Angus Atherton Palmer
Quality of Education Committee Chair Angus Atherton Palmer
Finance Committee Chair Allan Pinner
Head Teacher - Ex-Officio Sara Marshallsay
LEA Governor Katharine Rabson Stark
Parent Governors Sian Bailey, Zoe Holland
Staff Governor Amanda Roberts
Safeguarding Governor Katharine Rabson Stark
Co-opted Governors David Ashton, Angus Atherton-Palmer, Julie Laughton,  Debbie Rowland, Richard Thorley, Allan Pinner, Stefan Couch, Jenny Wegzryn, Rebecca Ungless and David Russell 
Associate Governor Simon Powell, Piers Keywood
Clerk to Governors Ellie Musham


To contact the governors, please email The Clerk to The Governing Body at Uckfield College, email address:

If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors, please contact the Chair through the Clerk to Governors:
