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Resilience Award
Resilience Award Scheme for children aged 7-13 (Years 3-8 in schools)
The Resilience Award is a primary / secondary transition project (also suitable for all through schools). The scheme supports:
- Positive Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
- Metacognition and
- Self - regulation (the two most effective interventions)
- Physical health
- Good Primary / Secondary transition
- Pupil Premium / Disadvantaged students
- Pupils with SEND
- Attendance
- Creativity
- A sense of ‘Belonging’ to an inclusive community
Young people aged 14-25 can participate in the hugely successful Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme (DofE). This Resilience Award Scheme is for children aged 7-13 (Years 3-8 in schools) and is free of charge. Children can start on this scheme and progress to the DofE when they are older.
Taking part is a way for pupils to improve their physical and emotional health, along with being part of a caring community. By participating in this scheme, children will push themselves out of their comfort zone and develop:
- Resilience
- High Self Esteem
- Confidence
- Leadership
- A sense of belonging
The key ingredients for good mental health and emotional wellbeing are:
- Connect - include everyone in our social community, listen, be there, be a good friend)
- Give - Volunteer time, your presence, your thanks
- Take notice - watching out, noticing others and being kind/caring, remember things that give you joy, notice nature
- Keep learning - be curious, think hard
- Be active - exercise, go outdoors
The key ingredients of good physical health are:
- Nutrition. A healthy, balanced diet of all the food types, including vitamins and minerals in the right proportions. A diet that is low in fat, sugar and salt.
- Regular physical activity:
a. Cardiorespiratory fitness
b. Strength and stamina
c. Flexibility and suppleness
All of the ingredients are included in the Resilience Award Scheme.
There should be no cost to schools. Pupil Premium students should be able to participate in all of the scheme through existing school activities / clubs. There should not be any extra time involved either. This scheme is part of the Personal Development Curriculum and so Form Time or PSHCE time can be used.
- This is part of the timetabled and planned Personal Development curriculum
- The Head of Year inspires and promotes the scheme in assemblies
- Parents are encouraged in transition or parents’ evenings
- PP lead, SENCO and pastoral team ensure all PP, SEND and SEMH students do the Award
- Form Tutor:
a. gets pupils to start and monitors their evidence pictures / docs
b. gets them to reflect (metacognition) on how a section has improved their resilience, leadership etc.
c. signs off completion - Children get a Sports Coach or Club organiser to sign off activities
- Pupil Premium / Disadvantaged students can be supported to do activities. School clubs count for Creative Skills and Get Active.
- Parents supervise cooking meals (Teaching Assistants can too) and expeditions (although they could be a school trip or school walk)
- Teaching Assistants help pupils with SEND with their Award
- Celebrate in your annual Celebration / Awards Evenings
Children engage in a range of activities over 6-18 months. They record their progress and reflect on their skills and engagement with activities along the way. School staff can also help them to reflect on how their character has developed and record their progress.
More information:
Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact of the Resilience Award
Resilience Award Scheme - presentation for schools
Resilience Award Scheme - presentation for schools
Pupils complete these achievement logs as they participate:
Get Active - Achievement LogExpeditions - Achievement LogFundraise - Achievement LogCreative Skills - Achievement LogCommunal Meal - Achievement Log
Resilience Award Certificate of Achievement