Super Curricular

At Uckfield College We Are Proud To Be A Super Curricular School

What is the difference between what we had before, which was an amazing array of fantastic extra-curricular options, to being a super-curricular school?

At Uckfield College our students are:

  • Able to think for themselves
  • Innovative
  • Social activists: engaged, responsible, knowledgeable, tolerant, outward-looking
  • Aspirational
  • Future focused on careers and employability skills
  • Ready, willing and able to make a wholly positive contribution to improving society

We believe that our super curricular provision is a key part of achieving this aim. As a result of participating in our diverse range of wider opportunities students will work towards long-term goals, be aspirational learners, foster deep concentration, stimulate their minds and develop employability skills.

We strive towards preparing students to be adaptable within an ever changing world. Our super curriculum nurtures students’ engagement, personal responsibility, knowledge and tolerance towards being outward-looking social activists. As a result, students from Uckfield College will be ready, willing and able to make a wholly positive contribution to improving society.

Super Curricular opportunities take place before school, during lunch and after school we will be publishing our full provision map in October.

Our Menu for Year 7 students has included the following:

Eco Club, Cerebrum Club, Female Lead Society, Book Club, Y7 Creative Writing, School Newspaper, Poetry By Heart, RGS Young Geographer of the Year Club, Innov8 (Computing) Club, Y7 Esports / Gaming Industry Club, Y7 STEAM Club, Electric Car Club, Y7 Textiles Club, LGBTQ+ Diversity Group, Fantasy Board Gaming Society, Chess Club, History - Strategies Games Club, Lower School Choir (Y7-8), Chamber Strings, The Music Industry, Jazz / Wind Band, Ukulele Group, Flute Choir, KS3 Art Club, Y7 Arts Award, Y7 Art - Printmaking Club, Dance Club, UC Dance Company, Y7 Drama Club, Y7 Lunch Football Club, Y7 After School Football Club, Y7 Basketball club, Y7 Rugby Club, Y7 Netball Club, KS3 Fitness Club,  Squash Club, Badminton Club, Swimming Club, Handball Club Hockey Club and more.

Why a super-curricular school?

Through our super curricular provision we are able to provide diverse and compelling experiences that extend far beyond the classroom and result in culturally rich personal development for every participant.

  • An inclusive approach - we seek to ensure access to opportunities for all
  • Belonging, Connection and Positive Development: Personally developed and personally knowledgeable -  physically, mentally, socially and emotionally
  • Developing students’ oracy: Extracurricular typically contains a significant amount oracy
  • Developing vocabulary
  • Developing creativity


Year 7 Super-curricular Activities

Year 8 Super-curricular ActivitiesYear 9 Super-curricular ActivitiesYear 10 Super-curricular ActivitiesYear 11 Super-curricular ActivitiesYears 12 & 13 Super-curricular Activities

Social Action and Enrichment Activities