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Careers education takes place in all year groups and is a key strength of our provision. 

We believe that students need high quality advice, information and guidance to give them clear goals, inspiration and the ability to make informed choices as they progress through the Key Stages and on to further education or employment.  There is more information about Careers in the dedicated section on this website.

One particularly important enrichment activity for students is work experience. One of the challenges of educating students is ensuring that they are equipped with the necessary skills to face the world of work. Uckfield College requires its Year 10 students to identify, secure and complete a work experience placement. These placements are undertaken in the Summer Term and last for one week.

For students, work experience provides an insight into the working world, teaches them more about what to expect of life after school and provides a valuable addition to their CV. For some, it will also provide an exciting opportunity to gain an insight into a specific career in which they are interested.

For employers, students undertaking placements provide flexible, extra support for their work and help establish relationships with young, local talent. In some cases, placements result in further periods of work experience and employment.

In recent years Uckfield College students have undertaken placements at organisations across both commercial and not-for profit organisations.


Advice and Guidance

Here at Uckfield College we have professionally qualified Careers Advisors and a dedicated Careers Office. Our Senior Careers Leader is Simon Webster, Deputy Principal. Our Provider Access Policy can be viewed here


Employers & Further Education Providers

Our Aspirations Leader, Stephanie Aguilera, is always looking to connect with local and national businesses and further education providers to inspire, support, prepare and provide pivotal opportunities to our students.Please get in touch if you would like to hear more about how you can help and volunteer here. Thank you for your support.

A Comprehensive Careers Programme for Students

All students from Year 7 to Year 13 have access to the following:

  • A careers 1:1 guidance session with our Careers Team to explore interests, future ideas and create an individual career plan. To request a meeting with the careers team please email
  • Opportunities to hear from and speak to employers through Virtual & In-Person Careers Fairs. We have fantastic partnerships across a diverse range of commerce and industry, financial services and the public sector including some of the UK's leading Plc's, FTSE and SME businesses.
  • Opportunities to gain work experience in Year 10 and Year 12.
  • Guidance, resources and taster events on further education, universities, qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities. Students are provided with a full range of further education and training options available to them at each transition point. 
  • Opportunities to learn about the world of work, CV writing, career education workshops, mock interviews through Assemblies, Personal Development Time sessions, Enhancement Week, Mentoring, Deep Learning Days, Life Learning lessons and Career events.
  • Extensive resources to support with their choices including their own personal login to Morrisby platform with a wealth of employability skills activities and access to tailored information according to the students interests.
  • Guest speaker events including universities, apprenticeships and employers. 

Whether the students are considering their options, next steps, putting an application or CV together or just not sure where to start, our door is always open, we’re here to help. An outline of the careers education programme for each year group is available here. Further career information and resources provided specifically for Parents and Teachers can be viewed here and below. 


Our Careers Team are here for Students and Parents

Our Careers team are here to ensure students are given the support throughout their learning journeys and are provided with the tools, skills and knowledge to go on to realise excellent further education, apprenticeship and career opportunities that enhance their lives and ultimately fulfil their goals and aspirations.


Mrs S. Aguilera - Aspirations Leader & Mr S. Simmons - Careers Advisor & Careers Provision Leader

01825 764844 ext 1053                                        

Working in partnership with an impressive range of employers, both local and national, we create key opportunities to inspire, support and challenge each student to achieve their potential. We work with students to uncover their interests and personal aspirations and to empower them to make choices that ultimately will bring them success in whatever future pathway they pursue.


Annual Events
  • Uckfield College Virtual Careers Fair
  • Mock Interviews with EY Foundation
  • Guest Speakers
  • National Careers Week
  • Apprenticeship Talks
  • Uckfield College Careers Fair
  • Big Futures Show, Eastbourne
  • University Open Days
  • SEND Careers Events
  • Access for all students, all year round, to their own personal login for Morrisby (an interactive platform that helps students make better decisions about subjects, courses, careers and apprenticeships).
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Further resources and information for both parents and students can be found below:

Here, below,  there should be the latest edition of Careersmag for School Leavers and the latest edition of Careersmag for parents - side by side. At the moment you can scroll through the pages as it appears on the Uckfield College website.


Careermag for School Leavers                           Careermag for Parents


Subscribe to Careermag


Target Magazine for Parents 

Paths to careers parents guide 2021 Page 01


Welcome to the Careerometer

For up-to-date labour market information comparing the average wage and working hours of different jobs

This Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information

Click on the dotted square and type in the career you are interested in.



Further Career resources and options can be explored on the following websites, please click on the icons below, for students, parents and teachers. 


See the source imagecareerpilot notgoing  

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 bitesize_button    Careers > East Sussex - Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.futuremorph


East Sussex Careers Hub

There is also some great information on Apprenticeships, please click on the icons below:

   logo2  logo3

Many large employers use aptitude tests as part of their recruitment process. If you want to practice these kinds of tests, here are some examples you can use: