Uckfield College 21
Student Leadership

Student Leadership

College Leadership Opportunities


In order to fulfil your purpose in life and improve the world in your own unique way, you will want to take up positions of responsibility and leadership throughout your life. There are lots of opportunities to take on leadership responsibilities at Uckfield College.


There are a wide range of opportunities students have to take on leadership roles at the college including leadership in the following areas: academic, character, enrichment and college council. Additionally our sixth form students have a further opportunity to apply for a range of prestigious and high profile leadership roles and responsibilities.


The College Council: The Voice of the Students

Our Student Council Members are the voice of our students. Their important role is to discuss pertinent issues, including topics such as how learning is supported (learning organisers, MyACE, revision etc.). They provide vital feedback from the wider student body to help us make informed decisions so that Uckfield can continue to be an exceptional school.


The College Council Executive Chair (Principal)
The College Head Students
Student Council Members Year 7 Student Council Members Year 8 Student Council Members Year 9 Student Council Members Year 10 Student Council Members Year 11

Navy arrow

Year 7 Mentor Groups Year 8 Mentor Groups Year 9 Mentor Groups Year 10 Mentor Groups Year 11 Mentor Groups


College Committees: The Change Makers

Our change makers and prefects form committees of students from Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13. Each committee works on an area or cause important to us at Uckfield College. These are:


  • Keep Learning
  • Give Back
  • Stand Tall
  • Take Notice
  • Be Connected
  • Be Active
  • Support Each Other
  • Belong Together
  • Kindness is King
  • Find Your Purpose


Sixth Form Leaders

At the helm of our College Leadership Team are our Head Students who are supported by a team of Deputy Heads and Assistant Heads. Each Assistant Head leads a committee that supports our students to thrive, drives positive change and runs college events.

These leadership positions are highly prestigious roles and securing them is a competitive process. The students first write a letter of application, which is followed by participation in a range of interview activities. If they are selected from this group they have an individual interview before the final decision is made. We believe these students are inspiring role models for all students in the College.


Meet our Sixth Form Leaders


Head students 2024 25
Head Students

“Being a head student is an amazing way for me to represent my peers and Uckfield College through a leadership role that provides a platform to so many wonderful opportunities. I’m so grateful to be working with such an incredible group of Student Leaders, whilst being able to further my skills  through this role.

Libby Sahani

“The role of Head Student is an amazing opportunity not just to help our school community at Uckfield alongside an amazing group of Student Leaders, it's also a chance to improve my own skills at organisation, leadership and public speaking. I love that I can do both of these things in this role, and it feels like such an achievement to be able to give back to the college in such a meaningful way. 

Oscar Rabson Stark

Amelie RobertsDepHead
Amelie Roberts

Deputy Head Student

Rosa CoghillDepHead
Rosa Coghill

Deputy Head Student

James HansonAssistantKeepLearning
James Hanson 
Assistant Head
Keep Learning

Izzy Hinton Kindness
Izzy Hinton 
Assistant Head

Martha Derbyshire HeadStandTall
Martha Derbyshire
Assistant Head
Stand Tall

Alexander Ridley HeadGiveBack
Alexander Ridley 
Assistant Head
Give Back

Charlie Woollven HeadWeBelong
Charlie Woollven
Assistant Head
We Belong

Ollie Hawkins HeadBeActive
Ollie Hawkins
Assistant Head
Be Active

Charlie Horne HeadTakeNotice
Charlie Horne
Assistant Head
Head Take Notice

John Salter HeadBeConnected
John Salter
Assistant Head
Be Connected

Alexander Woolgar PrefectBeConnected
Alexander Woolgar
Be Connected

Sean Sofianos PrefectBeConnected
Sean Sofianos
Be Connected
Mary Seluwa PrefectTakeNotice
Mary Seluwa
Take Notice
Holly McDonald PrefectKindness
Holly McDonald
Zahra Haque PrefectKindness
Zahra Haque
Xander Ford PrefectStandTall
Xander Ford
Stand Tall
Charlotte Siddons PrefectGiveBack
Charlotte Siddons
Give Back
Martha Sugden PrefectGiveBack
Martha Sugden
Give Back
Imogen Graham PrefectWeBelong
Imogen Graham
We Belong
Sophie Stapley PrefectWeBelong
Sophie Stapley
We Belong
Jack Hutton PrefectBeActive
Jack Hutton
Be Active
Clara Williams PrefectBeActive
Clara Williams
Be Active
Amelia Burden PrefectKeepLearning
Amelia Burden
Keep Learning
Emily Lovell PrefectKeepLearning
Emily Lovell
Keep Learning
Oscar Cleghorn PrefectKeepLearning
Oscar Cleghorn
Keep Learning


Change Makers and Prefects

In Years 7, 8 and 9, students who would like to become a change maker take part in an oracy task within their mentor group as a way of applying for the role. Each form mentor then selects the two successful students. In Years 10 and 11, students apply to become prefects. This is an important leadership role within the schools that requires students to be role models; to maintain standards and expectations through duties; be involved in year group projects and to be change makers within one of our College Committees.


Our Change Makers:

  • Help to make positive changes discussed at the College Council Meetings (the voice of the students)
  • Represent the College at key events such as open evenings
  • Plan and lead enrichment activities
  • Provide academic support for students
  • Provide mentoring for students
  • Raise awareness about important issues affecting young people
  • Plan and deliver learning materials on important topics used with mentor groups
  • Plan and deliver assemblies
  • Organise fundraising events, including non-uniform days
  • Create videos, posters and literature on key issues