Our students have the right to enjoy childhood online, to access safe online spaces, and to benefit from all the opportunities that a connected world can bring to them, appropriate to their age and key stage. As they grow older, it is crucial that they learn to balance the benefits offered by technology with a critical awareness of their own and other’s online behaviour and develop effective strategies for staying safe and making a positive contribution online.
We have aligned our Digital Literacy and e-Safety curriculum with the eight strands and the assessment objectives identified within the ‘Education for a Connected World’ framework (2020).
If you would like to explore more information about how you can support your child to keep safe online, please find below two website recommendations and a guide to mobile parental controls:
NSPCC/Keeping Children Safe OnlineSafer Internet/Helping children and young people stay safe online
Parental ControlsThe knowledge, skills and understanding to make safer choices when online is taught through Computing and Life Learning lessons as well as across our wider curriculum, specific assemblies, PDT activities and specific Digital Literacy / e-safety Deep Learning Days.
Our Digital Literacy and e-Safety curriculum responds to the following key areas:
Self-image and identity This strand explores the differences between online and offline identity beginning with self-awareness, shaping online identities and how media impacts on gender and stereotypes. It identifies effective routes for reporting and support and explores the impact of online technologies on self-image and behaviour. |
Online relationships This strand explores how technology shapes communication styles and identifies strategies for positive relationships in online communities. It offers opportunities to discuss relationships and behaviours that may lead to harm and how positive online interaction can empower and amplify voice. |
Online reputation This strand explores the concept of reputation and how others may use online information to make judgements. It offers opportunities to develop strategies to manage personal digital content effectively and capitalise on technology’s capacity to create effective positive profiles. |
Online bullying This strand explores bullying and other online aggression and how technology impacts those issues. It offers strategies for effective reporting and intervention and considers how bullying and other aggressive behaviour relates to legislation. |
Managing online information This strand explores how online information is found, viewed and interpreted. It offers strategies for effective searching, critical evaluation and ethical publishing. |
Health, well-being and lifestyle This strand explores the impact that technology has on health, well-being and lifestyle. It also includes understanding negative behaviours and issues amplified and sustained by online technologies and the strategies for dealing with them. |
Privacy and security This strand explores how personal online information can be used, stored, processed and shared. It offers both behavioural and technical strategies to limit impact on privacy and protect data and systems against compromise. |
Copyright and ownership This strand explores the concept of ownership of online content. It explores strategies for protecting personal content and crediting the rights of others as well as addressing potential consequences of illegal access, download and distribution |