Sixth Form Curriculum and Options

All students are enrolled on a study programme, which combines qualifications and other activities, and is tailored to each student’s prior attainment and career goals. All students are working towards a substantial qualification.

Our study programmes include work experience and non-qualification activities such as the Super Curricular programme and Social Action activities, which complement the other elements of the programme and support the student to progress to further or higher education (HE) or to employment.

All students who have not met the requirement for a level 4 in English and maths are enrolled in a GCSE class.

All students in Y12 are given work experience to help develop their career choices and to apply their skills in real working conditions

Students in Y12 take part in our Super Curricular programme and other enrichment activities, to develop students’ character, broader skills, attitudes and confidence, and to support their progression.

Curriculum Booklet September 2025

Social Action and Enrichment Activities