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Successful Transition
Springboard to Success
Thorough support for transition from Primary to Year 7
Hello prospective students, parents and carers. We believe that moving from Primary to Secondary School is a major step in the academic life of students, so we want to make the transition as successful as possible.
A message from Mr Bradley, Deputy Principal with oversight of the Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Programme
Year 5
This process begins in year 5 when we hold our Summer Open Days for Year 5 families. We also run a series of Year 5 masterclasses and clubs where we invite students from our partner primary schools to join us after school at Uckfield College for, for example, chess club, maths masterclasses, English sessions, Computing lessons and Science Rocket Club sessions. In addition, our PE department runs PE sessions throughout the year at our partner primary schools.
Year 6
At the start of Year 6 we hold our hugely enjoyable Open Evening for Year 6 prospective students and their families. This is an opportunity for you to visit the college, meet Ms Marshallsay and hear from some of our students. The rest of the evening enables you to visit each department of the college to find out more about our wonderful facilities and the broad, deep and balanced curriculum we deliver.
We also hold Open Mornings in September each year where you are able to visit the college during the school day to see college life first hand. Email office@uckfield.college or telephone 01825 764844 to book onto a tour.
When you gain a place with us we will work closely with Primary Schools to ensure that the curriculum at Uckfield College builds on the learning that has taken place before. We liaise very closely with partner primary schools to ensure we have a comprehensive understanding of each student before they start with us in September.
We hold a series of Taster Days in the Summer Term for various groups of students so that they can visit the College before their September start. This enables the children to meet their Form Mentor and other members of their Mentor Group along with a chance to experience some lessons in a variety of subject areas.
In the summer holidays we invite some students to be part of our Summer School programme to help the children be more ready for joining us in September.
Year 7
Throughout Year 7, we run a series of meetings and information evenings for parents so that you can learn more about how, why and what your children are learning so that you can support your child more successfully - including the Habits of Champions Evening, the Evening for High Attaining students, the Meet the Mentor Evening and Subject Teacher Evenings.
We also arrange activities and sessions in Year 7 so that students can build friendship with their new peers- including the year 7 Get Together along with other events.
We believe that this comprehensive package of support for students helps them have a really successful start to their education at Uckfield College.
Some messages from Uckfield College students: