Three Year Strategy

Shield 400

Uckfield College 3 year strategy 2022-2025

Vision An inspiring College where every individual is supported and challenged to achieve personal excellence
Core Beliefs

Students are at the heart of everything we do

We care for every student’s wellbeing.

All of our students, irrespective of background or ability, deserve the opportunity to fulfil their potential.

Our students deserve an inspiring, enriching and holistic curriculum.

Our students deserve consistently excellent teaching and pastoral support.

We have the highest expectations of and exceptional support for all students, including SEND and disadvantaged, so that they have equal opportunities.

Our staff are our most valuable asset

High quality Professional Learning and Development (PLD of pedagogy, effectiveness and leadership) and talent management underpin and support excellence in our staff team.

Everyone has responsibility for personalising their own professional development and continuous improvement.

We are all accountable for realising our vision and every member of staff plays an important and valuable role in our team.

We work hard to manage workload and care for the wellbeing of all staff.

Strategic Intent

Our AIM is for everyone in our school community to lead truly, deeply, happy, fulfilled and purpose-driven lives. Our curriculum is how we achieve this.


All students will develop as Uckfield ACEs:

Academic Achievers

Citizens of our world with good Character

Enterprising and Confident

The curriculum intent, schemes of learning and implementation for all subjects will be ambitious, knowledge-rich and precisely designed to challenge and inspire students. Ongoing assessment and reporting is highly effective and accurately informs interventions, leading to excellent outcomes.

The pastoral care and the whole person curriculum will:

  • develop exceptional student character (Uckfield Qualities: Integrity, Kindness, Curiosity, Aspiration, Resilience and Self-Regulation)
  • support resilient mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • encourage strong physical health habits for life
  • be achievement-focused, so that students are given access to the best possible options for the next stages in their lives
  • develop student leadership, so that our students can take whatever positions of responsibility they wish to in the future
  • foster a culture of high expectations (attendance, behaviour for learning, standards and thinking hard)
  • nurture a true sense of belonging felt by all

Culture, collaboration and community

Professional Learning and Development for all staff is focused on identified ‘persistent problems’ in student learning and is research-informed, high quality, innovative and impactful.

  • Our culture, expectations and strategic approach will be clearly communicated with staff, students, parents/carers, the wider community and in our partnership work with other schools. All work is focused to help us achieve outstanding outcomes.
  • The most effective practice will be shared and developed, both within school and with our partners. We are proactive in growing school led, school improvement strategies.
  • Parents and carers will be engaged fully in their child's learning and personal development.
  • The college is a centre of learning and development for all in the community (ACRES, sports facilities) and we foster strong links with employers (CoC).
  • A culture of praise and celebration is embedded throughout the college and we achieve motivation through inspiration and human interaction.
  • Our reputation is excellent.


  • A culture of ‘high challenge, high support’ will prevail, for both staff and students.
  • We have a responsibility for the educational outcomes of all the children in East Sussex through our partnership work (AG1, Peer Review, BAP, Subject Hubs, WEIP, UTSA).
  • Time and resources will be allocated to where they can lead directly to outstanding results.
  • Governors hold the leadership team effectively to account for the outcomes and finances of the College.
Key Priorities
  1. A new model for Professional Learning and Development and performance appraisal that has a relentless focus on the very highest quality of teaching and learning and highly effective leadership.
  2. Staff wellbeing and workload continuously reviewed and responded to and workload streamlined wherever possible.
  3. A world-class, knowledge-rich, broad and balanced and precisely designed curriculum, which challenges and inspires, and includes flourishing performance and creativity.
  4. Embedding the 5 point Reading Strategy: 1) Thinking Reading 2) Develop fluency 3) Vocabulary in every lesson 4) Disciplinary Literacy 5) Making children readers.
  5. Provision for students with SEND, both in-class and through interventions, is consistently of the highest quality.
  6. An oracy rich curriculum, so that students become confident, articulate, engaging speakers and perceptive listeners.
  7. A wide-ranging and inspiring Super Curricular programme, attended by all students, with a particular focus on students with SEND and who are disadvantaged.
  8. Research-informed MHEW beliefs embedded in professional learning and the taught curriculum so that staff and students are all equipped to access support, both through their own thinking, resources or other people.
  9. Students present and complete their work with pride and their books/digital records/practical examples demonstrate this.
  10. ‘Belonging’ and Uckfield Qualities are embedded in College Culture, so that behaviour and attendance are excellent.

Our key performance indicators are outstanding outcomes:

  • Outstanding attainment and progress in all year groups. This means an improvement in achievement by disadvantaged and SEN students.
  • Attendance - 96%
  • Suspensions - below National Average
  • Comparison with schools nationally (top 5%)
  • Full year groups and high retention of students from KS4 to KS5
  • Staff survey
  • Strong recruitment and retention of our valuable staff.

Quality Assurance: All leaders carry out regular Self Evaluation and Review (lesson observations, learning walks, work scrutiny, student voice and monitor student progress)

Student Voice: Gathered through feedback from student leadership teams, small focus groups and regular wider surveys.

Staff Voice: Line management, meetings, staff surveys and exit interviews.

Parent Voice: Parent Voice meetings for in depth feedback and wider views gathered through questionnaires.