Pupil Premium

The Department for Education recognises that an attainment gap exists between disadvantaged students and their peers across the country. The Pupil Premium comprises a grant provided to publicly funded schools in England to help them meet the challenges in addressing this issue.

Our Pupil Premium strategy is underpinned by the premise that quality-first teaching (alongside personalised pastoral care) benefits both disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students alike. High-impact teaching and learning will ultimately have the most significant impact on students who qualify for Pupil Premium funding. Tackling the ‘barriers to learning’ that are identified in this strategy remains crucial, but within a mindset that is pre-emptive in anticipating problems and immediately acting to mitigate them, rather than reacting once they emerge. Closing existing attainment and achievement gaps between students who qualify for the Pupil Premium and those who do not (and keeping them closed) lies at the heart of our resolve to continually provide high quality education for all.


The Criteria

A student will appear on our Pupil Premium register if they meet any of the criteria because it is possible that children in any of these categories might have experienced a barrier to their learning.

  • Currently in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM);
  • Having received Free School Meals some time in the past 6 years, even if not receiving FSM right now (known as the Ever 6 FSM measure);
  • Students from service families;
  • Children who are 'looked after' (CLA);
  • Children who have been adopted from care.


Does my child qualify for free lunch?

If you would like to know more about applying for Free School Meals support, click here.

Once agreed by East Sussex Council, children will get free school meals if they meet the criteria and are in school both before and after lunchtime.

Please note that checks are completed using the Department for Education Eligibility Checking System (ECS). Once a parent/guardian has been determined to be entitled the individual child will remain as entitled under Government Universal Credit transitional protections until the end of their phase of education (i.e. Primary or Secondary) during, and after, the transitional period of 1st April 2018 to 31st of March 2023. Therefore it is not necessary to reapply. Free School Meals eligibility applies to the individual child and not the family or extended family. This means that younger children will not become entitled to Free School Meals simply because their older sibling is in receipt of transitional protections.



If you would like to know more about applying for Free School Meals support, click here.


Pupil Premium Strategy Statement



Our Personalised Provision

Support Mentoring Academic and Social, Emotional and Mental Health Interventions

Smaller class sizes

Free breakfast every day

Financial support with chromebook purchase and other essential equipment

Super Curricular support, including trips and early booking access

Music tuition support

University of Sussex widening and participation partnership

Uniform support

Attendance support

Access to leadership positions within the College

MyACE Mentoring - Form Mentor or ACE Mentor and MyACE activities

Super Curricular mentoring

1:1 Resilience Coach

Cross-year peer mentoring

‘Early Intervention’ Year 10 and Year 11 mentoring

Additional careers guidance

‘Raising Achievement for All’ programme


Team Around the Child focus on students vulnerable to underachievement

Year 9, 10 and 11 additional ‘Invite-Only’ parents’ evenings to work on bespoke intervention plans

English, Maths, Science and MFL ChangeMaker tuition

PP Reading Programme (Years 9 and 10)

Priority spaces on Thinking Reading

Paired Reading Programme (Years 7 and 8)

1:1 English and Maths support in Learning Plus

Catch-Up Academy: English and Maths tuition

Home Cooking

First Aid

Digital Literacy

Zones of Regulation

Building Resilience and/or self-esteem

Managing Anxiety

Be Her Lead mentoring

Positive Masculinities

Talkabout for Teenagers


Want to know more?

Natalie smith

Contact Miss Natalie Smith, Assistant Headteacher, Raising Achievement on n.smith@uckfield.college or see other ways to contact us.